Tony Castle
CEO of Castle Consulting
"The benefits provided by TCS' fully-integrated
administration, management, and deployment tools, which
enables the IT organization to tightly control all mobile
assets and applications, together with a bulletproof
integrated security solution, makes this an easy sale
to the CTO."
Bruce Steele
Senior Vice President
for Sales at ePartners
"Our clients are looking for ways to improve
adoption and usage of their SFA systems. ePartners has
successfully introduced the TCS Mobility solution
to several of our clients, improving their ability to
access and transact with critical sales data from a
handheld device. These customers are seeing significant
improvements in sales productivity while at customer
Benjamin Holtz
President and CEO
of Green Beacon Solutions
"A secure mobile solution that will provide our
customers their Onyx application and data when they
need it, whether they are connected or not, has been
a high priority. TCS Mobility for Onyx meets this
critical requirement."
Patrick Loop
CEO of Relationship
"We used the TCS Mobilty Connector for SalesLogix
and the TCS Mobility™ Designer to build a
custom mobile sales application for the copier dealer
market," TCS' tools helped us take this desktop
application and deliver a mobile version in a matter
of days."