While the TCS Mobile Application Platform (VMAP)
provides provides a cost effective means to mobilizing
just a single business application, it can also be leveraged
to mobilize any and all backend enterprise applications
over time.
The TCS Mobile Application Platform (VMAP) is a
truly extensible, scalable mobile platform. From the
ground up, the TCS Mobile Application Platform (VMAP)
was designed to give customers a single, cost effective
tool to meet all of their mobile application needs.
This design helps make TCS a “future proof”
solution, by allowing a company to economically address
a departmental need today, and to leverage that investment
as a foundation for all future enterprise mobile initiatives.
Adding new applications and user groups to the VMAP
is easy. Customers can mobilize any new application
by adding new application connector into their TCS
Mobile Application platform, and then pushing the client
out to users over the air. And, of course, these newly
mobilized applications- as well as the users, their
devices, and the associated security- can be fully managed
and supported through the same set of tools used to
manage existing mobile applications.