Communication & Synchronization
The TCS Synchronization engine is an integral part
of the TCS Mobile Platform. This high performance,
multi-threaded Object-Based sync engine allows a single
TCS server to support multiple applications and
users operating in mixed device and network environments.
The TCS sync process is application agnostic and
has the flexibility to meet the demands of a wide variety
of enterprise applications. From data intensive Sales/CRM
applications, to event-driven IT Help Desk applications,
to Reporting and Business Intelligence applications
that have large, rapidly changing data sets, TCS
sync engine excels.
TCS uses an Object-Based Sync Paradigm which enables
sync transactions to be atomic at an Object level (i.e.
all database tables get updated at the same time a record
is posted). This unique approach preserves data integrity
and avoids the partial object sync issues.
Most other Mobility Software providers use the less-robust
“database table" synchronization approach
where, due to wireless network connectivity issues,
only part of the tables may get sync’d (meaning
part of an object) during a session. This frequently
results in an inconsistent data set on a device or on
the server, which places the burden on IT project teams
to build additional, complex application logic to deal
with these inconsistent dataset issues. TCS eliminates
this problem, ensuring your data is always consistent
and reducing the IT support burden and costs.
Within the TCS Mobile Platform,
the TCS Synchronization Engine is responsible for
the following tasks:
Tracking client/device based changes
Managing and resolving data conflicts
during the sync process
Error recovery during network failure
Data compression during transit
Managing multiple application versions,
with potentially different data schemas